[種子] Endeavor Endive Mix - Curly endive (エンダイブ)
Seeds of Endeavor Endive Mix - Curly endive (エンダイブ)
Crop (植物名): Endive
Latin name (学名): Cicorium endivia
Variety (品種): Endeavor Endive Mix
Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) pledged (OSSIオープン種苗)
Plant Breeder (育成者): Frank Morton (Wild Garden Seed)
This mixed population of endivish forms varies in leaf shape from the finest frisée to robust endive. You will see a wide range of low temperature tolerances, leaf textures, and head sizes. For the intrepid salad grower or on-farm plant explorer. This species is self pollinating, and this population is advanced enough, so a grower who keeps seed from a favorite plant can expect similar offspring that will (with repeated selection) shortly lead to a stable variety.
One gram per bag.
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