Red Head - Quinoa (キヌア)

Red Head - Quinoa (キヌア)
Crop (植物名): Quinoa
Latin name (学名): Chenopodium quinoa
Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) pledged (OSSIオープン種苗)
Plant Breeder (育成者): Frank Morton, Wild Garden Seed

Stable yield with bright pink seed heads. This variety was the first selection from the original South American quinoa variety by Frank Morton, Wild Garden Seed.
One gram per bag.
For detail about OSSI...

安定した収量と明るいピンク色の種子穂を作るキヌア。Frank Mortonによって南米品種から最初に育種された品種。

Place of production (At least prefecture): Gifu
Weight (g): 1
Variety?: Red Head

Locations available for pickup

Updated at July 29, 2024

$3.55 ANY / box

1 Box